Tuesday, September 25, 2007


This past Saturday we attended a double show in Ann Arbor. The girls did really well with their bunnies. In show b we took Best chocolate, best opposite chocolate, and best blue. Then the blue doe (Bellairs Jasmine) won Best of Breed and our chocolate buck (Canfield's Slingshot) won Best opposite Breed. We were super excited as this is our first Best of Breed at an ARBA sanctioned show. Way to go girls!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

new addition to bunny barn

How exciting it is to watch the construction of our bunny barn. We began with a 10X12 shed and have doubled our size. We will be able to keep one section for the brood does and babies and one section for show animals. So just as soon as we can get some new cages we will be in business.