Sunday, April 18, 2010

Ann Arbor Rabbit Breeders

Today was our Ann Arbor Rabbit breeders meeting. It was fun to see everyone again. We put the final plans in place for the September show. This years show is back in Saline, yeah! Alli is taking pictures for the youth trophies and showing her buns. It will be a good time. The meeting was at Lone Star steak house. Ohhh my tummy............. we all ate too much and came home sleepy but content. Happy to support our local rabbit club.


Thursday, April 15, 2010

Sad Day

This morning we found a whole litter of Harli Dutch that died. They were still newborns and not sure what happened. This is a new momma and she just didn't seem to take care of them. I am sorry for all that are waiting on the harli's we have a second doe bred and will rebreed this doe too. Hopefully the next litter will come through ok.
