The last show of the year is now over. It was wonderful to spend time with bunny friends. The girls had a good show. Saturday results (best I can remember) best variety Gray Dutch, Best opposite Variety Blue Dutch, Best Variety Broken Satin, and Best opposite Variety Broken Satin. Alli showed her Cavies Saturday as well and had good results and a lot of fun. We went back Sunday for the third show where Allison won Best Opposite Breed with her Satin doe and Sammy won Best and Best Opposite with her Silver Foxes. We also won Best opposite variety Gray Dutch and Best and best opposite variety blue.
We sold a few Dutch and acquired a new breed - Giant Chinchilla. Giant Chin's are a rare breed and we are excited to start raising them.
We have several rabbits expecting including 2 angoras. One is a purebred German angora and one is a german/english hybrid. We are really looking forward to seeing the new babies.