Friday, December 19, 2008

Digging our way to the barn

We are in the middle of a huge snowstorm. The girls are working on digging thier way to the barn. We are definitely homebound. The schools are closed and Mike and I are both home from work due to the weather. We already have several inches and it is still coming down. We are expecting 12 inches before it is over.
I figure it gives us a chance to catch up on some chores in the barn. Some much needed cleaning and it is time to worm again. There seems to always be plenty that needs to be done. We are running about 45 head right now without counting babies. There are 3 litters still in the barn. We did quite a bit of culling but need to cull out more babies. We have some brood stock up for sale too.
Allison is planning to breed her chocolate satin in the next couple weeks. She is very excited to get babies from her. She is a gorgeous doe that has been doing well on the show table.


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