Well after having such a low conception rate in the bunny barn in early winter, we continued to breed several does at once thinking that we would have several miss. Hah, the joke is on us. We bred 4 does and all 4 had litters. Two weeks later the other 4 does that were bred also had litters. This should be a good thing, right. Well...... it is good but what about when they all need to be weaned. :) The other thing is we didn't have small litters this time. All but one litter is 6 bunnies or more. Any way you add them up, it is a lot of babies.
So what was different? Well we changed two things. We are running heat lamps in the back half of the barn and we also changed feed brands. Not sure which one had the most effect but either way we have bunnies. So who had babies? Glad you asked. As reported Jasmine was the first one. Then we had Issabel bred to Bubba, Domino bred to Cashew, Abbie bred to Caspian, and Smokey also bred to Bubba.
The second group was Olivia bred to Cocoa, Nellie bred to Bubba, and Banner bred to Caspian. It has been warm enough (above 0) so that the nest boxes were able to stay in the barn. And I am happy to report that Jasmine's babies have been in the barn for a week now and are doing super.
Oh yeah, and did I mention that we have a copper satin litter due any day? woohoo baby bunnies on the way. I will let everyone know when they come.
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