Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Fair Time

Well it is great to have the fair over. The girls did excellent with thier bunnies. We go to the Ingham County Fair in Mason. They took Best and Best Opposite Dutch, Best Fur, Best poster exhibit (Allison), Best Satin fur, and Reserve Grand Champion meat pen (with Satins).

In the open show that follows the 4-H they kept up the good work with Best Dutch, Best Satin, Grand Champion meat pen, Best normal fur, Best Satin fur. Not to mention that Samantha is the reigning bread champion with a 1st place for her Sourdough bread 2 years in a row.

On the other hand Momma's Bunny didn't score so well. You see I own one rabbit in the whole barn and was so excited to show my little chocolate Polish doe. OOPS! The judge pointed out that my doe was actually a buck. HUH! Imagine that happening. I was pretty dissapointed with my DQ. That is ok though, there is always another show.

It seems the summer has flown by. Here we are in August and soon it will be back to school time. It is hard to believe. The weather has been hot the last few weeks and our rabbits are roasting. We need to work on more ventilation in the barn. We are going to cut big windows in the back of the shed this week. Of course we will cover them with heavy wire to keep the racoons out.

We have several nice juniors up for sale right now. We spent time in the barn sorting them out. Can 't wait for the next show to take some of them and see how they do on the table.

Well that is all for now,

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