Monday, November 29, 2010

MSRBA Fall show

The last show of the year is now over. It was wonderful to spend time with bunny friends. The girls had a good show. Saturday results (best I can remember) best variety Gray Dutch, Best opposite Variety Blue Dutch, Best Variety Broken Satin, and Best opposite Variety Broken Satin. Alli showed her Cavies Saturday as well and had good results and a lot of fun. We went back Sunday for the third show where Allison won Best Opposite Breed with her Satin doe and Sammy won Best and Best Opposite with her Silver Foxes. We also won Best opposite variety Gray Dutch and Best and best opposite variety blue.

We sold a few Dutch and acquired a new breed - Giant Chinchilla. Giant Chin's are a rare breed and we are excited to start raising them.

We have several rabbits expecting including 2 angoras. One is a purebred German angora and one is a german/english hybrid. We are really looking forward to seeing the new babies.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Fair Results

Well the fair is over for another year! We had a great week and the girls had a lot of fun. Alli is a 4-H ambassador this year so she was very busy during the fair. Not only did she have her own shows to do but she was assisting all over the fair grounds during the week.

So the final results are:
  • Alli - Best in Show Pocket Pets (Cavy Project)
  • Alli - Honors on her Angora wool
  • Alli - Honors on her tye dye shirt
  • Alli - Honors "Lead with Fiber"
  • Sammy - 1st place Jr. Showmanship Poultry
  • Sammy - Reserve Grand Champion Bantam Pair
  • Sammy - 1st Place Jr. Showmanship Rabbits
  • Sammy - Best and Best Opposite Breed Silver Fox
  • Alli- Best of Breed Dutch and Best 4 Class
  • Alli- Best of Breed Giant Angora and Best Opposite 6 Class
  • Alli - 6th place Sr. Showmanship
Nice job girls! It was a lot of hard work but it was worth it.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Barn is full

Well here we are almost to June and our barn is bursting with new babies. We finally have a litter of Harliquin Dutch. Their momma didn't care for them so we fostered them with another Dutch doe that had a single kit. They are almost 2 weeks old now. They are all marked well with Dutch markings and with nice color.

The other litter we are excited about is a english/german angora hybrid litter. They are vienna marked, carrying the blue eyed white gene. They are chocolates with one chocolate chinchilla. The chocolate chin has the markings of a Dutch. They are all very pretty. We will get pictures of both litters soon.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Ann Arbor Rabbit Breeders

Today was our Ann Arbor Rabbit breeders meeting. It was fun to see everyone again. We put the final plans in place for the September show. This years show is back in Saline, yeah! Alli is taking pictures for the youth trophies and showing her buns. It will be a good time. The meeting was at Lone Star steak house. Ohhh my tummy............. we all ate too much and came home sleepy but content. Happy to support our local rabbit club.


Thursday, April 15, 2010

Sad Day

This morning we found a whole litter of Harli Dutch that died. They were still newborns and not sure what happened. This is a new momma and she just didn't seem to take care of them. I am sorry for all that are waiting on the harli's we have a second doe bred and will rebreed this doe too. Hopefully the next litter will come through ok.


Friday, March 19, 2010

2009 Dutch club awards

The girls were recognized for top sweepstakes awards for 2009 from the Michigan Dutch Rabbit Club. They had top points in Blue, Chocolate and Gray. They also won Rabbit of the year with M&M's Twizzler their gray SR. Doe.

This prompted them to come home and breed several does and they can't wait to have some new juniors to show.

New Bunnies

New Polish babies were born in our barn yesterday. Very excited when the broken blue doe had 4 and the broken chocolate doe has 4 with a broken in the litter. We have been waiting quite a while for the blue's to come.

We have a lot of litters expected here shortly, Dutch blues, chocolates and grays. I will get more pictures up asap.


Saturday, January 23, 2010

Dutch news

I have been elected as one of the directors of the Michigan Dutch Club. I am excited to be helping out with the running and decision making of the club. I figured this way I could stay up with the news and know what is going on. Being that the girls show in youth and since my surgery we haven't been hanging out on the open side of the show too much. I feel that we were kind of in the dark as far as the club.

Our barn is pretty well full since I have allowed Alli to do the Angoras. We have many to sell this spring and will be having more Dutch real soon. We have a few does due.
