Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Spinning Milkweed

Well call me crazy but I like to work with different fibers. Samantha and I harvested the seed pods from the milk weed plants at a friends house. We brought home a full bucket full. Soon after we found out that Sam is allergic to milk weed. So the job of plucking the seeds from the fluff became mine alone. As the pods were still green it was easier to pull the seeds off then put the wet fluff into plastic freezer bags. Well this took several days to finish and I found that the first bag became moldy due to the bag getting closed and sealed. The rest however I left open and continued to rotate the fiber in the bag daily to get it to dry. Last night I took the drum carder outside and alternately carded wool and milkweed into bats. It is too short and too slippery to spin by itself. Tonight I hope to find time to spin some of the milkweed and wool. My plan is to dye it. I have read that the milkweed doesn't take the dye so it leaves shiny white streaks in the yarn. I will post photos when I get some yarn made. Sheri