Monday, October 31, 2011

Getting cleaned up for winter

Here we are coming up on another winter. Can't believe that tomorrow is November. The snow will be flying before long. We are closing up the barn, hanging plastic and putting in the heat lamps. We have several does bred and due in the next few weeks including blue Dutch and French/German angoras.

On a side note, we have started using paper bedding in our rabbit trays as well as in our cavy cages. I can't believe the difference it is. We have tried pine shavings and wood pellets but the paper shavings are much better. They are made from shredded phone books and then blown through a fan to eliminate dust.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

New Focus

Well after much discussion we have decided to adjust our focus. We are scaling the Dutch back to 2 varieties to include Blue and Gray. Samantha's main focus has become raising her silver fox rabbits. Alli and I are in love with the wool given by the German and French angoras that we raise. So... we are focusing more on a fiber farm since we are also raising Shetland Sheep and an Angora Goat.
Dutch are in no way taking a backseat to the others but we will be selling the chocolate Dutch to narrow the focus a bit.

We are very excited that we added 3 new rabbits to our barn this weekend. Two blue Dutch does (Taylor's Azure and Taylor's Blue Bell) and a blue French Angora buck. The Dutch does will be added to our breeding program right away. They are both very nice typed animals. The French Angora is a baby and it will be some time before we can harvest that luxurious blue wool.

On a side note, Alli washed her Shetland fleece from her ewe named Lily. It is really gorgeous. It has several colors in it. She is waiting impatiently for it to dry so that she can spin it with some angora mixed into it.

Well that is all from the homefront for today. We will try to add updates on a more frequent schedule from here on. Thanks for reading.